Monday, October 24, 2011


I've moved.. Again. But this time for good. (For good is only about a year) After this year, I'll be graduating from BMC and starting my life over again. I've decided I don't want to live in Vancouver, but I want to see where I can go internationally! (Look out, Australia. I'm coming for you.) So, with that being said, how about we focus on whats going on right now, shall we?

I moved back from North Vancouver to Burnaby. Hauled two heavy heavy suitcases onto the bus to the sea bus then onto the sky train, then I had to do a transfer on the sky train then I had to get onto another bus and haul the same two heavy suitcases up and then down a hill to where I live now. I was welcomed back with a delicious meal and a bed to sleep in and woke up to homemade waffles and bacon. (Don't ask me why I left in the fist place, I still don't know the answer to that.) 

Naturally, I don't have any outfits for you. Very soon I super promise. I mean super. But I do have a picture of me hanging out with one of the cats I've moved in with. Her name is Sassy and she's a really lonely old lady cat. She comes upstairs to hang out with me all day while I drink some tea and unpack. <3 

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