Monday, October 31, 2011

I like how it feels.

I want to start by saying I took two pictures of what I'm wearing today, for a nice day in hanging out with the cats. (Booyah!) I made some brownies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, they taste exceptional, I'll have you know. 

I'm so excited to live so close to Whistler. Snowboarding season is just around the corner! I need to get my gear sent over to me.. Don't let me forget. I don't have much else to say to you, other than Happy Halloween! I didn't get to do anything for the holiday, but I do get to hand candy out! How did you spend the weekend? 

rusty "so rad" t-shirt, element zip up, sliver jeans

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Things I love with my whole heart Saturday: My Zebra Blanket.

I know you're thinking "Really? A zebra blanket?" This is NOT just any old zebra blanket, okay? I've had this baby forever and it goes everywhere with me. It's seen hockey tournaments, looong trips for basketball, and kept me warm at every freezing provincial competition for high jump. It goes on family road trips, and moved to Vancouver with me! I highly suggest finding your own if you don't have one. Mine was given to me by my grandma. (My momma's momma.) But I really don't remember how old I was. Thank you grandma, you're the bomb-diggity. 

In some other news, I'm all settled, and very very happy.
Here are some photos of my zebra blanket and I having a cuddle sesh today.


Monday, October 24, 2011


I've moved.. Again. But this time for good. (For good is only about a year) After this year, I'll be graduating from BMC and starting my life over again. I've decided I don't want to live in Vancouver, but I want to see where I can go internationally! (Look out, Australia. I'm coming for you.) So, with that being said, how about we focus on whats going on right now, shall we?

I moved back from North Vancouver to Burnaby. Hauled two heavy heavy suitcases onto the bus to the sea bus then onto the sky train, then I had to do a transfer on the sky train then I had to get onto another bus and haul the same two heavy suitcases up and then down a hill to where I live now. I was welcomed back with a delicious meal and a bed to sleep in and woke up to homemade waffles and bacon. (Don't ask me why I left in the fist place, I still don't know the answer to that.) 

Naturally, I don't have any outfits for you. Very soon I super promise. I mean super. But I do have a picture of me hanging out with one of the cats I've moved in with. Her name is Sassy and she's a really lonely old lady cat. She comes upstairs to hang out with me all day while I drink some tea and unpack. <3 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

things i love with my whole heart

Here, my friends, is a list (in no particular order) of things, situations, and certain people I love with my whooole heart. Now thats a lot of love.

1. Hearing the words "You're pretty." no matter who it comes from. Especially though, when it comes at random. Are you sensing a story? I am.
So here I go, job hunting. I'm wandering around the mall when I get a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find a small, kind of awkward looking man with very sincere eyes. He says to me "Excuse me, I couldn't help but let you know that you're really pretty." Awww, well thanks, guy. You made my day that much better!

2. Oversized Sally Ann sweaters. You know what I'm talking about. The ones you buy that are already broken in, worn in, loved for so many years before you got your hands on it. Give it a wash, throw it on, make hot chocolate, watch Criminal Minds. Best. Night. Ever.

3. Lights. Not lights, but the Canadian Lights. Dear Lights, I pre-ordered Siberia. It's all I listen to lately. Thank you for another incredible album. Friends, go buy it. Illegal downloading is for squares.

4. Yogenfruz. Oooh, did I ever treat myself today. I'll tell you how to do the same for yourself, too! With my three favourite things to do at Yogenfruz.
i)Ask for a mix it with mangoes and raspberries. Add gummy bears for good measure.
ii)Ask for a top it. Get original frozen yogurt, add some strawberries and chocolate shavings.
iii)And third, get the green tea one. Simple as that. If you like a matchachillo from Blenz, you'll be happy.

5. Tim Hortons. 'Nuff said. Starbucks sucks. I'll have a large double double and a 12 grain bagel toasted with herb and garlic cream cheese. Or substitute the coffee with a large black green tea. Or a large english breakfast tea with a french vanilla shot. Take your pick. Just make sure it's large.

6. Giving up your seat on the bus for someone who needs it. It really does feel good when you get a sincere "Thank you!" If you don't, it still feels good. Don't worry.

7. Feeling excited for no reason at all. Again, enough said. It just feels plain awesome.

I think during this post I've decided to make Saturdays more like this every week. Sooo, every Saturday I'll choose something I love, and explain why to you. Why Saturday? Because who in the world doesn't LOVE a saturday?

ps. I'm in the process of moving. I won't have any photos to post until I'm all moved in to a new home!

Friday, October 14, 2011

-insert title here-

If I ever told you this would be a fashion blog, I'm sorry I've failed you. I just don't have any way to take interesting photos of what I'm wearing! (When I figure THAT out... Oh boy, this'll be a whole different story.) And speaking of stories, I have a few for you. Bet you're excited. I am. 

First: I went to Metropolis at Metro Town today with my dear friend, and recent blogger, Amanda Watt. ( As I said, recent. But keep following, I'll make sure she stays on it. Back to my story. We went on a short-red-or-yellow-hunter-wellies hunt. Like two good fashion students, not only did we come out successful, we also picked out a nice red rain shell to keep her dry. But.. Like horrible fashion students, we missed The Bay Flare Trend Report Party. My excuse? I'm under age. Hers? She doesn't have a good one. Shaaaame.

Second: We had a really awesome PR and Events class today. (What the heck is PR?!) Public Relations, my friends. All about crisis management. I have not once been bored in this class. I'm hoping one day to pursue some sort of career in public relations. Thank you, Lyndi Barrett for the inspiration.

Third: And last. Since this blog, and the small amount of marketing I've done for it, I've actually had a small increase in my twitter following. AND a follower claiming to bookmark me. Day made. Thank you, twitter follower. If I knew your name, I would say it. <3 I hope you aren't lying to me, homie.

Oh, and a p.s story... I sent a resume in to lululemon athletica today! I reaaaally hope I get this job! The educators seem so happy to be there all the time! I want to be happy to be at work.

That is all. Late post, I know.
Goodnight! And goodmorning to you, morning readers!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tell The World I'm Comin' Home

This weekend I took a little break from Vancouver. ( What!? Only two months and I need a break already?!) Yes, yes I do. I love you, Vancouver. But I'm from a hick town. It runs deep. I took a nice break from everyones Lulu's, Micheal Kors, carrying an umbrella everywhere, and Hunter wellies to go visit all of my best friends and family in Alberta. (<3) We went paint balling, where I made it out bruise free. And we did what Cold Lake does best. Party hardy. Then, we made some breakfast before we all went back to our new home towns. Oh, and best of all, I got to see my pug, Roxanne. I think overall, I'd rate this the best weekend ever. I can't wait for Christmastime to have more time like this. (65 days to go!) Here are some photos to check out=)