Here, my friends, is a list (in no particular order) of things, situations, and certain people I love with my whooole heart. Now thats a lot of love.
1. Hearing the words "You're pretty." no matter who it comes from. Especially though, when it comes at random. Are you sensing a story? I am.
So here I go, job hunting. I'm wandering around the mall when I get a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find a small, kind of awkward looking man with very sincere eyes. He says to me "Excuse me, I couldn't help but let you know that you're really pretty." Awww, well thanks, guy. You made my day that much better!
2. Oversized Sally Ann sweaters. You know what I'm talking about. The ones you buy that are already broken in, worn in, loved for so many years before you got your hands on it. Give it a wash, throw it on, make hot chocolate, watch Criminal Minds. Best. Night. Ever.
3. Lights. Not lights, but the Canadian Lights. Dear Lights, I pre-ordered Siberia. It's all I listen to lately. Thank you for another incredible album. Friends, go buy it. Illegal downloading is for squares.
4. Yogenfruz. Oooh, did I ever treat myself today. I'll tell you how to do the same for yourself, too! With my three favourite things to do at Yogenfruz.
i)Ask for a mix it with mangoes and raspberries. Add gummy bears for good measure.
ii)Ask for a top it. Get original frozen yogurt, add some strawberries and chocolate shavings.
iii)And third, get the green tea one. Simple as that. If you like a matchachillo from Blenz, you'll be happy.
5. Tim Hortons. 'Nuff said. Starbucks sucks. I'll have a large double double and a 12 grain bagel toasted with herb and garlic cream cheese. Or substitute the coffee with a large black green tea. Or a large english breakfast tea with a french vanilla shot. Take your pick. Just make sure it's large.
6. Giving up your seat on the bus for someone who needs it. It really does feel good when you get a sincere "Thank you!" If you don't, it still feels good. Don't worry.
7. Feeling excited for no reason at all. Again, enough said. It just feels plain awesome.
I think during this post I've decided to make Saturdays more like this every week. Sooo, every Saturday I'll choose something I love, and explain why to you. Why Saturday? Because who in the world doesn't LOVE a saturday?
ps. I'm in the process of moving. I won't have any photos to post until I'm all moved in to a new home!