Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aldergrove Car Show

Yesterday, we went to a car show where Andrew's uncles both had vehicles. We made it there just in time for the car show to end, so we didn't have much to look at, but what was there was absolutely gorgeous. We went back to Andrew's uncles house for a big get together, where all the guys lined their cars up for a photo, and we all had dinner and drinks.

 (1969, Mom. I took these pictures for you)

from left: ford truck, nova, nova, corvette, acadian, chevelle

Friday, August 12, 2011

You And Me Go Fishin' In The Dark

Today was another good day of wandering downtown Vancouver. We took the sky train all the way to Waterfront and walked along the seawall to Stanley Park. It was such a beautiful day outside! The walk took us about half an hour, making occasional stops to look out at the scenery. We went into the aquarium, too! I was very happy to sit at the shark tank and just watch the giant sea turtle swim around, but we did have to move on to the rest of the aquarium. We spent a good two hours there before we decided it was time to head back. We took a walk through Gas Town to find somewhere to eat lunch, and eventually settled on an east indian place. The butter chicken was to die for! After exploring Gas Town a little bit more, we decided it was time to get home...we were exhausted! Here are a few photos of the day, enjoy!
 the view just off waterfront station
 i loved these house boats!
 there was a circle of these guys, so we stopped to play leap frog
 just outside the aquarium
 amazon rainforest..these birds were all over the place!

 beluga whale
 sea turtle
 black tip reef shark..not a very good photo, sorry!
clown fish and sea anemones 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Andrew and I went out to Granville Island the other day, there is so much to do! It's really hard to believe that you are actually in the middle of Van city. We did a couple of laps around the public market, there is so much fresh fruit, veggies and fish. I love the small shops all around the island. I forgot to charge my camera the night before, and it died part way through the day. (The above photo was taken with my Blackberry. And the cupcakes and donuts you see are actually soaps!) I ate plenty of chocolate for you, Mom. Here is a photo diary of our day on Granville.
 at the bus stop to get downtown

 the hang out
 the world music store

 wearing:silver jeans, tie dye cropped tank top, h&m scarf, nude flats, unlabelled bag.

 cedar plank salmon at the sand bar
seafood hot pot at the sand bar